I can make others happy

Everyone can join in making other people happy and then we get to experience that we ourselves become happy – double joy!


Studio broadcast

Coloring pages

More about the topic

Doing good for others is a double joy – the others will be happy, and we will be happy ourselves! That’s how God has decided it should be, and it works every time.

In the film, Theo got to experience this when he chose to play with a boy that the others weren’t bothered about. And in the end, the others joined in too, so everyone was happy. But Theo had to make a choice first not to think about himself, but about what would make the other person happy. Jesus was also like that – He was always thinking of the others and wanted them to thrive. He taught us that we won’t be happy when we think of ourselves, but when we choose to do something good for the others, then we will also thrive. We can also learn to make these choices!

Suggestion for a program:

1. Welcome

2 minutes

2. Short song – one that they know

1 minute

3. Film

around 5 minutes

4. Conversation, in which the children also get to think, ask and participate.

Max 5 minutes

5. Singing with actions, learn some fun moves

2-3 minutes

6. An activity

Length depends on the type of activity, but this shouldn´t take too long either.

7. Thanks for today

1 minute

Total length excluding the activity

Max 15 minutes

Coloring sheet

Feel free to use the coloring sheets and let the children draw during the activity. For de barna som ikke liker å fargelegge er det fint å finne et alternativ. It can also be a game or a physical activity.

Questions for discussion

  1. Why do you think you’ll be happy when you do good for the others?

  2. Why is it a “double joy” to do something good for the others?

  3. Is it always easy to make the others happy? Why?

And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.

Luke 6:31

Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

Philippians 2:4

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all …

Galatians 6:9-10

Read also:

The story of Jonah

In this story, children will get to know the prophet Jonah, but most importantly, they will get to know God's infinite mercy, care and patience towards us.

Jesus was resurrected from the dead! Easter Sunday school online
The Easter story: Jesus died on the cross and rose again

At Easter 2000 years ago, Jesus changed world history forever. He sacrificed Himself for us and defeated death and the devil. The work of salvation was complete, and we were given a completely new hope. On this theme page you will find resources and animated films about the Easter story.