Jesus is always with us

“I have received all power in heaven and on earth,” Jesus told His disciples. They therefore did not need to be afraid, even when the storm took hold of their boat. We will hear more about this in this topic. Just before He went up to heaven, Jesus gave us a promise; “I am with you every day until the end of the world.”


Studio broadcast

Jesus is always with us

Coloring pages

More about the theme

This Sunday School Online episode is produced with contributions from several different countries in Africa. The program is led by two hosts from South Africa and the broadcast is full of great music, encouraging words and a brand-new episode of the series “God´s children”. Later in the broadcast, we meet some children from Cameroon who are also going on a boat trip, do they manage to overcome their fear?

Jesus calms the storm

In this “God´s children” episode, we are along one day when Jesus wanted the disciples to take the boat over to the other side of the sea. He was tired after a long day and went to sleep in the boat. But then suddenly a big storm blew up. The disciples were frightened and woke Jesus up. Then he did something unexpected. Jesus got up, threatened the wind, and said to the sea, “Quiet! Be calm!” Immediately the wind died down and the water became calm. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” This was something the disciples never forgot, and it is something that can also make us feel safe today. Jesus is always with us. We do not have to fear anything.

Read also:

Jesus was resurrected from the dead! Easter Sunday school online
The Easter story: Jesus died on the cross and rose again

At Easter 2000 years ago, Jesus changed world history forever. He sacrificed Himself for us and defeated death and the devil. The work of salvation was complete, and we were given a completely new hope. On this theme page you will find resources and animated films about the Easter story.

The story of Jonah

In this story, children will get to know the prophet Jonah, but most importantly, they will get to know God's infinite mercy, care and patience towards us.