Jesus came to save

When Jesus lived on earth, there were many people who wanted to be where He was and listen to what He said. But not all of those who came to hear really cared so much about changing their lives. So, Jesus looked for people who really wanted to follow Him and do what He spoke about.


Jesus came to save

Music video: FMB 630 - I have found a friend who can save

More about the theme

In this week’s episode of “Children of God”, we meet a boy who wants to be popular but who does not always succeed. Sometimes he feels completely hopeless. But then one day he opens the Bible app and reads about the disciple Levi who also had it the same way. Levi experienced that Jesus cared for him and wanted to give him hope. Jesus said: “It is not the healthy people who need healing, but the sick. I have not come to save the righteous but sinners. ” This was the beginning of something new for the disciple Levi.

Questions for conversation

Below are some questions from the “Children of God” episode. These can be used to create some curiosity about the theme. They can be used as a conversation in the children’s group at Sunday school in the local church or among children at home.

  1. Why do you think Jesus was most interested in helping those who weren´t so good at things?
    “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to save the righteous but sinners. ”
  2. What is it that can help me if I feel that everything is hopeless?
    It can help to read the Bible, reading the word of God.
  3. What do you think Levi thought when he realized that Jesus wanted to be together with him?
    He may have thought: “Just think that Jesus wants me to be a disciple. And that he has hope just for me! ”


Denne gang har vi forberedt en oppgave der barna skal tegne omrisset av sin egen hånd. Hånden blir en trestamme og så kan man male eller lime på høstblader. På bladene kan barna skrive ting de kan gjøre for å få det godt. Feks: velsigne, dele, takknemlighet, glede, hjelpe noen, være ærlig.

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