More about the theme
The Bible Detective children are going to hear a lot of exciting things about this topic this week. They will get a Bible verse that says that “the one who prays will receive, the one who seeks will find, and the one who knocks – the door will be opened”. We will hear more about this at Sunday School. They will also hear the story about Jacob, who is one of the heroes of faith.
Jakob never gave up
Jacob lived thousands of years ago, and he experienced many things that were difficult for him. But he had decided to believe in God, and no matter how difficult things were, he never gave up. Finally, God came to him and blessed him. Jacob experienced that God keeps what he promises.
Although the things Jacob experienced are very different to what we experience today, we can learn from Jacob. We can be just as determined to believe in God, no matter what happens. And that we should never give up, even if something is difficult. God will help us!