Paul and Silas – thankfulness as a weapon

Even in the darkest dungeon, Paul and Silas sang praises to God. The song of thanksgiving opened the doors of the prison. There is great power in thankfulness, and it is a weapon we can use.


Studio broadcast

Paulus og Silas in prison

Coloring pages

More about the topic

Paul settled in Antioch, where he continued to work with the people so that everyone could live a happy life by the gospel. But Paul felt that the Holy Spirit was working in the church in such a way that it was time to go out and spread the gospel of Jesus. So he went out to be a missionary, and on one of his journeys, his good friend Silas joined him. These two told all the people they met that Jesus could do something completely new in them.

But not everyone liked what Paul and Silas were doing, so they imprisoned them. Despite all the difficult and tough things they experienced, they never complained. On the contrary, songs of praise were heard from the darkest dungeon where they were being held. Then there was an earthquake that opened the doors of the prison. How was this possible? Well, thankfulness is a power. A heavenly power that drives away darkness and doubt, and let in the powers of faith and light. By choosing to be thankful, all dark and gloomy thoughts are excluded. I become happy and life becomes good and bright.

More about the studio broadcast

This theme has a studio broadcast from the studio at Brunstad. The theme of the program is thankfulness, and co-host Emil gives a nice explanation of how thankfulness is about appreciating the idea behind what someone does for me. We also hear an inspiring message from someone named Ellen. She explains how to use thankfulness as a weapon. When you choose thankfulness, unhappiness lets go and you become happy right away!

Questions for discussion

Bible verses fitting the theme

Romans 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Acts 16, 23: They answered: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and everyone in your house will be saved.”
Colossians 3:17: And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

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