Category Archives: Inspiracja
Wolontariusze stworzyli niezapomniany dzień dla dzieci
Mentorzy i wolontariusze ciężko pracowali, aby stworzyć niezapomniany dzień dla dzieci. Dzięki różnym grupom i...
Druga część historii Estery jest już dostępna
Czas oczekiwania dzieci i dorosłych na całym świecie dobiegł końca - druga część historii o...
Wkrótce pojawi się druga część historii o Esterze
Historia żydowskiej dziewczynki, która zaryzykowała wszystko, by ocalić swój naród, wkrótce zostanie pokazana grupom dzieci...
The story of Esther: A highlight for the children
At the beginning of May, the latest production from Bible Kids Explorers was released, and...
Watch the trailer for the story of Ester
Premiere: Today, the first part of the Explorers time travel about Ester is launched, which...
The Bible story about Esther will soon be ready for screening
A poignant story about a Jewish girl who would have a profound impact on her...
„Can we continue the time travel tomorrow?”
This is said by one of the children who this week has been invited to...
An Easter event for the children
"The Easter story is perhaps the greatest story in the Bible, when Jesus' work of...
Why do we celebrate Easter?
When Jesus died on the cross and rose again, He changed world history forever. The...
The film about Esther: Join us behind the scenes
The next feature film from Bible Kids is currently being produced. During an intensive time...
Now you can watch the film about the boy king Josiah
The film about the young king Josiah has already been well received by Sunday schools...
Positive feedback on the time travel concept
For the first time, Bible Kids had their own booth at this year's faith education...
The story of the boy king Josiah is coming soon
The story of Josiah, a young boy who was crowned king at the age of...
The Bible Kids App is here
Making the content of the Bible come alive and accessible for children has been the...
BCC recently sent an online Sunday school episode from Africa. A cooperation between BCC’s media...
BCC.MEDIA PRODUCING A TV SHOW FOR TWEENS had its first recording day for “Intro”, a new TV show made for “tweens”,...