Jesus helps you. Come to Him! – Part 1

In this episode we hear the story of Jesus who healed a man at Bethesda. Jesus really wants to help all those who want help.


Jesus heals at the pool of Bethesda

Music video: FMB 630 I have found a dear Friend who can save us

Coloring pages

More about the topic

Jesus helps us!

Jesus helps those who want help! When Jesus lived here on earth, He performed many miracles. Sick people were healed—that means becoming completely healthy. But the greatest thing Jesus did was to help people get free from sin.

In the animated film, children can watch the story of when Jesus healed a man at the Pool of Bethesda. “Do you want to get well?” Jesus asked. It’s a bit strange that He asked a man who had been ill for 38 years if he wanted to get well. But perhaps it is not so strange after all—for not everyone who needs help comes to Jesus. But Jesus helps those who want help—always!

There were some Pharisees who saw what happened that day—it was on the Sabbath, a day of rest for the Jews. These men didn’t like what Jesus did, but we will come back to that part of the story in part 2 of this topic.

More about the animation film

Jesus helps - the Pool of Bethesda - Online Sunday schoolThere was a special place in Jerusalem called the Pool of Bethesda. Now and again, an angel came down from heaven and stirred up the water. The first person who got into the pool after the water had been stirred up would be healed, whatever sickness he or she had. Therefore, there were many sick people by the pool—blind, paralyzed and many other illnesses. They waited for the water to be stirred up, in order to try and be the first into the pool.

There was a man lying there who had been ill for 38 years! He had never managed to be the first down to the pool, and it looked absolutely hopeless for him. But this day was going to turn his life upside down. Jesus walked past the pool. He paused and noticed the man. Jesus knew he had been ill for a long time. “Do you want to get well?” asked Jesus. The man replied, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another person steps down before me.”

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up, take up your bed and walk.” At that moment, the man recovered. He must have been overjoyed, and he got up, took up his bed and walked away. After 38 years, his life could finally get off to a fresh start. Jesus had saved him—because he accepted the help Jesus could give him.

Questions for discussion

Bible verses fitting the topic

Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk!”And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed and walked.

John 5:8

Afterwards Jesus found the man in the temple, and said to him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, so that nothing worse will happen to you.”

John 5:14

Come to Me, all you who are struggling and carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Matt 11:28-30

Suggested setup for a local Sunday school

A good tip is to greet all the children by name, either as they walk through the door or when you start the gathering. This makes them feel recognized and included, and then they will be more receptive.

We also recommend that you plan a regular program setup for the gathering. Something you always start with, then some regular sequences and finally a way of finishing up together. The content and specific activities can vary, but the fact that the children know the program and what to expect in the next few minutes often creates more rest and a good atmosphere.

1. Welcome – introduce theme

3 minutes

2. Short song – one that they know

2 minutes

3. Film

About 5 minutes

4. Conversation, in which the children also get to think, ask and participate.

Max 10 minutes

5. Song related to theme

2-3 minutes

6. An activity or competition/quiz

Length depends on the type of activity, but this shouldn´t take too long either.

7. Thanks for today

1 minute

Total length excluding the activity

Max 25 minutes

If you have a larger group of children, you may want to split the group into two when it’s time for activities. One half could do an activity/competition and the other half could play a game, eg hawk and dove or something similar. After some time has passed, you could switch over so that all the children get to do both an activity and a game.

For the older children, one could choose activities and games that are suitable for their age group. For example, colouring sheets can be a little too childish for many older children. A quiz or a competition can often be more suitable.

Read also:

The story of Jonah

In this story, children will get to know the prophet Jonah, but most importantly, they will get to know God's infinite mercy, care and patience towards us.

Jesus was resurrected from the dead! Easter Sunday school online
The Easter story: Jesus died on the cross and rose again

At Easter 2000 years ago, Jesus changed world history forever. He sacrificed Himself for us and defeated death and the devil. The work of salvation was complete, and we were given a completely new hope. On this theme page you will find resources and animated films about the Easter story.