Chapter 3 – David and Saul
Before you begin
When all the kids are ready, it’s important to give them a warm welcome and make sure they feel taken care of. Greet them by name and say a few words before you start with the website: “Hey everyone and welcome to the next Explorers chapter. Today we’re going to travel back in time to when David lived, and hear about how important it is to keep your heart pure. It’s worth it to follow along closely.”

Task 1 – Keep your heart pure
This is a mini-game which will be completed on the website. The kids have to open the door to the heart to let light, good objects in, and close it when dark, evil objects want to get in.
- Dark and light objects fly towards the door to the heart and want to get into the heart. With a mouse click or with the spacebar, the door opens and closes.
- There are 5 rounds to get through, so 5 children can each play a round.
- If there are more than 5 children in the group, after the initial 5 rounds, you can choose to play additional rounds so that everyone gets a chance to try.
- In each round you must fill the heart by letting into 4 light objects.
- If you let in a dark object, you lose a life. If you lose all 3 lives then you have to start the round again.
- Note that the pace of the game increases with each round.

Task 2 – Who will be king?
The children will discuss which qualities a king should have. After they have matched the physical photos to the silhouettes on the website, they will choose a quality which they believe is the most important. Glitch thinks that the kids should choose “strength”. After the kids have chosen, God’s voice says: “ For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)At the end the kids will discuss with the mentors what the verse means for us today.
- 6 pictures of men with numbers on them
- Something to attach the pictures to the wall
- Print out the pictures. Use thick paper or laminate them.
- Attach the pictures to the wall a few meters away from the children. They shouldn’t be far away, but far enough that the children cannot see the numbers without going up to them.
- The children will first discuss which qualities a king should have, before they go further.
- (6-8 yrs) Now the children have to match the pictures on the wall to the silhouettes on the website by writing the correct number. When the correct number is chosen, the silhouette will turn around and become the picture.
(9-11 yrs) On the website, 6 silhouettes appear which make a sound when you click on them. The children have to match the pictures on the website to the silhouettes on the website by writing the correct number. When the correct number is chosen, the silhouette will turn around and become the picture. - When all the numbers are written in, the kids will choose a quality which they think is the most important for a king. Glitch gives a tip that he would have chosen the strong one.
- When the kids click on the quality that they have chosen, God’s voice sounds: “For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” The kids will actually have the same experience as Samuel, when he was going to anoint David. It is very important that you explain this, so that it doesn’t come across as disappointing. Explain to the kids that none of the pictures were going to be the new king. The correct answer will be shown in the film later.
- At the end, the kids can talk about what God meant when he said that, before they go further and thereby end the task.

Task 3 – Help David to escape
This is a task which has several steps, with one leading to the next. First you have to find a map, then solve a riddle in order to find the correct cave, and finally solve a puzzle which is the answer for the task.
- 4 parts of the map
- Pictures of the caves
- 4 puzzles
- Material to make 3 caves, e.g. chairs and blankets
- Print out the map on thick paper or laminate it. Cut it into 4 parts and hide the parts throughout the room.
- Print out the pictures of the caves.
- Build 3 actual caves with clear entrances. The cave can be built up against a wall. These caves represent the caves on the map. Attach a picture of a cave on each of them.
- Print the puzzles on thick paper or laminate them, and hide them in the cave with the waterfall. The caves will already be in place when the children arrive, so remember: The kids cannot go into the caves too early, because then they’ll find the hidden puzzles.
- The kids will search for the 4 parts of the map and put them together. The mentors can give hints if it is difficult to find the parts. Important: The kids aren’t allowed in the caves yet!
- When the map is complete, the kids can go further on the website.
- (6-8 yrs) On the website the kids have to click on the goat which speaks the truth. There are 3 caves on the map, so it’s the yellow goat which is speaking the truth. When the kids have click on it, it says that cave 1 is the safe hiding spot for David.
(9-11 yrs) On the website the kids have to click on the goat which speaks the truth. The yellow goat is the only one who is telling the truth. When the kids have click on it, it says that cave 1 is the safe hiding spot for David. - Now the kids will look at the map again. Cave 1 is the cave with the waterfall, so the kids have to go into the actual cave which shows the same picture. There they will find 4 puzzles.
- Pass out the puzzles to the kids. They can be in pairs (depending on group size).
- (6-8 yrs) Each puzzle leads to one number. The 4 numbers become a code (the numbers 1-4 are written in the corners) which have to be typed into the website in order to complete the task. The correct code is: 6954
(9-11 yrs) Each puzzle leads to one number. Each puzzle leads to one number. The 4 numbers become a code (the numbers 1-4 are written in the corners) which have to be typed into the website in order to complete the task. The correct code is: 7364

Task 4 – Quiz
Now the kids get to test themselves on whether they remember everything they learned in the chapter about David.
- On the website, Iris tells the children that there is a quiz.
- The kids answer the questions together. They can take turns with who gets to click on the correct answer
- After the quiz, the chapter is over.